Thursday 8 December 2016

Production Log Week 6

I spent my time this week starting on my Shooting script and Location Reccies. The Shooting script took up the majority of my time in lesson, as I had to think thoroughly as to how my music video will play out and how it will come in action. I firstly had to create a draft for my shooting script to give myself an idea as to how I will fill out my final shooting script. At first I found this extremely difficult however when my Teacher gave me some advice for my shooting script, I found it much more easier, as I typed up the lyrics of the song first and then filled in the other components. The most difficult part of the shooting script was, the camera movements and shot types that I will be using because I found it difficult to visually picture it in my head however as time went on, I overcame that challenge. My shooting script will be immensely helpful for when I start filming, as initially it gives me a guide as to how my music video should look and in a sense is a plan for my filming. I am not going to stick exactly to the shooting script because as I go out filming I will look for more creative ideas to bring for my music video. In reference to the Location Reccies, I found this task very easy uncomplicated, as it was very straightforward, all I simply had to do was state the locations that I will be using and provide images for those locations. However I still had to explain why I am using these locations.

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