Thursday 8 December 2016

Production Log 7

In the course of this week, I have been filming for my Music Video. As I am currently working by myself, my teachers arranged two BTEC students from another media class to help me for my filming. I found this extremely helpful, as on my own I would have found it extremely challenging and difficult. Most of the filming done so far consists in a grungy park, with gloomy features. I found that filming here most definitely creates a feeling of isolation, as the character is seen to be walking through a pathway in a lonely park. I have had to film twice in this park, as the first time I did not include enough footage and shots to even fill up the performance parts of my music video. In terms of lip syncing and performance I found this quite easy, As I had known the lyrics of the song for a long time, as it is a song I had listened to before, so when filming this was not much of a barrier. The second time filming I found that when walking through the park I discovered way more locations to be used. Also when filming for the second time I used lots more camera shots and camera angles to ensure I gain maximum marks for my music video. I need to find a set date to film for my narrative, as I have not yet done this, I require two of my friends to be available as they are involved as characters for my music video. I intend for my music video to be up to good standard so I can achieve high marks for my coursework.

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