Thursday 8 December 2016

Production Log week 8

Although I have not yet finished the entire filming for my music video, I have started editing for it using Final Cut Pro. In parts of my music video where it consists of Narrative and I have not filmed however I have filled up these spaces with text and images to denote what footage is going to placed there when I go out and film for my Narrative. To help me film for my Narrative, I will adhere to my shooting script but not fully, as I may innovate initial ideas. Surprisingly I have enjoyed my time filming and editing, as it gives me time off typical study and writing, which I find relieving. At first I was overthinking as to how my music video will plan out, and was stressing lots, however my teachers reminded me to not over complicate things and stick to my shooting script to help me, and I have found this vastly helpful especially with the help of the BTEC students. Seeing the progress of my music video while editing surprises me how far I've come compared to how i started. The second time I went filming, I most definitely attained the best footage, as I used more relevant areas to the genre and added many different techniques to help engage more with the audience. I was happy with the footage cutting to the beat and also how the lip syncing was well done. I have now officially finished editing the performance parts for my music video, however as time goes on, I may change and edit more bits and pieces to help shape the overall project.

Production Log 7

In the course of this week, I have been filming for my Music Video. As I am currently working by myself, my teachers arranged two BTEC students from another media class to help me for my filming. I found this extremely helpful, as on my own I would have found it extremely challenging and difficult. Most of the filming done so far consists in a grungy park, with gloomy features. I found that filming here most definitely creates a feeling of isolation, as the character is seen to be walking through a pathway in a lonely park. I have had to film twice in this park, as the first time I did not include enough footage and shots to even fill up the performance parts of my music video. In terms of lip syncing and performance I found this quite easy, As I had known the lyrics of the song for a long time, as it is a song I had listened to before, so when filming this was not much of a barrier. The second time filming I found that when walking through the park I discovered way more locations to be used. Also when filming for the second time I used lots more camera shots and camera angles to ensure I gain maximum marks for my music video. I need to find a set date to film for my narrative, as I have not yet done this, I require two of my friends to be available as they are involved as characters for my music video. I intend for my music video to be up to good standard so I can achieve high marks for my coursework.

Production Log Week 6

I spent my time this week starting on my Shooting script and Location Reccies. The Shooting script took up the majority of my time in lesson, as I had to think thoroughly as to how my music video will play out and how it will come in action. I firstly had to create a draft for my shooting script to give myself an idea as to how I will fill out my final shooting script. At first I found this extremely difficult however when my Teacher gave me some advice for my shooting script, I found it much more easier, as I typed up the lyrics of the song first and then filled in the other components. The most difficult part of the shooting script was, the camera movements and shot types that I will be using because I found it difficult to visually picture it in my head however as time went on, I overcame that challenge. My shooting script will be immensely helpful for when I start filming, as initially it gives me a guide as to how my music video should look and in a sense is a plan for my filming. I am not going to stick exactly to the shooting script because as I go out filming I will look for more creative ideas to bring for my music video. In reference to the Location Reccies, I found this task very easy uncomplicated, as it was very straightforward, all I simply had to do was state the locations that I will be using and provide images for those locations. However I still had to explain why I am using these locations.

Production Log Week 5

Throughout this week I have been working on my Final Treatment for my music video, where I further talk about the artists and his background and also more related ideas to the actual music video, such as logistics, Actors, Narrative and more. I found this task fairly easy, as I had a lot of prime examples and resources to help me complete this Final Treatment. I feel like that blog post has been one of my most successful, as I explained each subheading thoroughly and also gave prime examples and used Media terminology and Theory. My Final Treatment will also help me carry out my pre production ancillary products and also my actual production for the music video, as I am able to relate back to the Final Treatment to make sure I am not missing out on anything. I didn't find anything particularly challenging, but if I had to choose one part that I did find about un easy, was where I had to talk about the Logistics, because at this time I wasn't 100% sure where I was going to film, so I wasn't able to explain fully the locations, however as time went on I was able to complete it.