Saturday 26 November 2016

Production Log Week 2

This week I have been further developing my theoretical knowledge on Media. Firstly I had created a production reflection grid, to look back on Year 12 Research and planning, creativity, post production, digital technology and conventions. I had to keep linking back to the tasks I carried out in my first year of media, and segment this information into 3 parts; Pre production, production and post production. I feel that this will help aid my production work for my year 13 Music video project. I admit that i found some difficulties in finding and picking out the relevant evidence needed from my year 12 work, but other than that i completed the task without much difficulty.

Also during this week I have been indulging further into music video theory. I was looking at various Narrative devices, such as; Flashback narrative, pathetic fallacy, restricted narrative and also been looking at Narrative theories such as Todorovs theory and Propps theory. I found it fairly easy to complete the first part of these tasks where I had to give examples of music videos and their narrative devices however in the second part of this assignment I found it hard to incorporate Propps and Todorovs theory and how it applies to certain music videos. Researching further on the internet I found two good examples to use for these theories and applied them well in the blog post.

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