Monday 19 September 2016

Production Log 3

During these past weeks, me and my partner Kassie have been undecided on the music video we are going to chose, due to the fact that we are both unfamiliar with a lot of genres, such as Folk country music, which was our initial idea, also genres such as indie and rock. However personally the only genre i am relatively comfortable with is more towards UK rap and hip hop, due to the very fact these are the music videos i see on a daily basis and listen too. On the other hand Kassie pushes more towards the Pop side of the music genre. Our music video will either be Narrative or performance. Uncertain of which genre we should choose to stick with for our music video, with the devices we have. Here are some ideas of the possible songs we could use;

I contacted SBTV via email, on their website, inquiring if it would be possible to use this song for educational purposes etc, evidence can be given. The music video is nicely paced, and relatively easy to match Visuals with, and have lip synced and link it with a not too complicated video.

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